general terms of use
This website is provided to you by ara Shoes GmbH (hereinafter referred to as ara). This website may be modified and/or discontinued in whole or in part at any time in the sole discretion of ara Shoes GmbH without prior notice.
All information and/or products published on this website are the sole property of ara. The use of this information and/or products for commercial purposes requires the prior written consent of ara.
The product names used on these pages are registered trademarks of ara or are protected by competition law.
ara has compiled the information listed here to the best of its knowledge and belief with the greatest care. The information on this website is provided solely for the purpose of presenting ara and its products and services. ara does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy and/or timeliness of the information provided and accepts no liability for errors in the content of this website.
This website may also contain links or references to websites of third parties. These links do not constitute an approval of their contents on the part of ara. ara assumes no liability for damages arising from the use of such contents.
By accessing this website, you accept without restriction or reservation the above terms and conditions for use.